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Table 3 PAV versioning properties

From: PAV ontology: provenance, authoring and versioning


The version identifier of a resource. This is a free text string, typical values are ‘1.5’ or ‘21’. The URI identifying the previous version can be provided using pav:previousVersion. This property is normally used in a functional way, although PAV does not formally restrict this.


The previous version of a resource in a lineage. For instance a news article updated to correct factual information would point to the previous version of the article with pav:previousVersion. If, however, the content has significantly changed so that the two resources no longer share lineage (say a new article that talks about the same facts) they can instead be related using pav:derivedFrom.

This property is normally used in a functional way, although PAV does not formally restrict this. A version identifier for a resource can be provided using the data property pav:version.


Derived from a different resource. Derivation concerns itself with derived knowledge. If this resource has the same content as the other resource, but has simply been transcribed to fit a different model (like XML to RDF or SQL to CSV), use pav:importedFrom. If the content has been further refined or modified, use pav:derivedFrom.

Details about who performed the derivation (e.g. who did the refining or modifications) may be indicated with pav:contributedBy and its subproperties.


The date of the last update of the resource. An update is a change which did not warrant making a new resource related using pav:previousVersion, for instance correcting a spelling mistake. This property is normally used in a functional way, although PAV does not formally restrict this.