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Table 3 Queries translated into DL queries

From: Ontological interpretation of biomedical database content

Q1 – Which biological processes have proteins of the kind Prot 1 as participant?

‘Biological process’ and (‘has participant’ some Prot 1)

Q2 – In which cellular locations is Prot 1 active in organisms of the type Org 1?

‘Cellular component’ and (‘is included in’ some Org 1) and

(includes some Prot i )

Q3 – Which proteins are involved in processes of the type BProc 1 in organisms of the type Org 1?

Protein and (‘is participant in’ some BProc 1) and (‘is included in’ some Org 1)

Q4 – Which organisms are able to exhibit a specific phenotype Phen 1?

Organism and (‘is bearer of’ some (Disposition and (‘has realization’ only Phen 1)))