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Table 3 Procedures and subprocedures from “Extraction of total RNA from fresh/frozen tissue (FT)”

From: Using semantics for representing experimental protocols



Protocol overview (sp:lab procedure 1)

Recover tumor tissue at the time of surgery, trim into 1-cm3 fragments, and immerse immediately in TRIzol reagent prior to freezing at −80°.


Thaw and weigh tissue prior to RNA extraction, working quickly.


Use a tissue power homogenizer (or a mortar and pestle) to homogenize tissue by hand.

Prior to RNA extraction: cleaning process of equipment (sp:lab procedure 2)

Autoclave or wash equipment (i.e., tissue storage container, homogenizer blades, forceps, scalpel holder) in Neutracon solution for 2–4 h.


Rinse equipment well in 1% SDS (prepared using DEPC-treated or other nuclease-free water).


Rinse in 100% ethanol and leave to air-dry.

RNA extraction (sp:lab procedure 3)

Homogenize sample using tissue homogenizer.


Add 0.2 mL chloroform per 1 mL TRIzol and cap tube tightly.


Add 0.5 mL isopropyl alcohol per 1 mL TRIzol.


Add 1 mL 75% ethanol per 1 mL TRIzol and vortex for 10 s.