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Table 8 Six possibilities for a diagnosis failing in aboutness on the level of compound expressions

From: Diagnosis, misdiagnosis, lucky guess, hearsay, and more: an ontological analysis


Where it fails first


Noninstantation, asserted type exists

Level of compound expression

Disease instantiates a different type than the stated type, but the stated type exists

Noninstantation, asserted type does not exist

Level of reference

Disease instantiates a different type than stated, while the stated type of disease does not exist

Disease nonexistence

Level of reference

The disease instance does not exist

Organism nonexistence

Level of reference

The organism instance does not exist. In this case, there could not be a clinical picture properly inferred and thus it is not a misdiagnosis although it could still be an ICE.

Disease non-inherence

Level of compound expression

The disease inheres in a different organism than the one stated. For example, the doctor mistakenly ascribes Mr. Johnson’s hypertension to his twin.

Configuration is not located in that part of spacetime where the diagnosis says it is located.

Level of compound expression

A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus 5 years ago is wrong because the patient didn’t have the disease at that time, even though the patient has type 2 diabetes today. Also, a diagnosis that the patient has an upper respiratory tract infection today when in reality the infection resolved two weeks ago.