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Table 9 Results of the SPARQL SELECT queries performed over the lemonEXT ontology and the OBANmod ontology – The table shows the number of UMLS Metathesaurus concept pairs (target, candidate) retrieved for the SPARQL SELECT queries q1 to q3 as well as q1V to q3V

From: Exploring semantic deep learning for building reliable and reusable one health knowledge from PubMed systematic reviews and veterinary clinical notes

  1. The SPARQL SELECT queries appear within the Additional file 4 and the description of the queries appear within the Step 6 of the section Materials and methods. Each UMLS Metathesaurus concept pair represents the focus concepts of the term pair (target term, candidate term). The difference in the number of results between the query qi and the query qiV, with i = {1,2,3}, indicates that there are UMLS Metathesaurus concept pairs that have not passed the evaluation with BMJ Best Practice, and thus, the query qi (see cells with grey background) has a higher number of results than the query qiV