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Current Open Calls-for-Papers

Vaccine and Drug Ontologies 2024 (Submissions Open)

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Drugs and vaccines have contributed to dramatic improvements in public health worldwide. Over the last decade, there have been efforts in the biomedical ontology community that represents various areas associated with drugs including vaccines that extend existing health and clinical terminology systems (e.g., SNOMED, RxNorm, NDF- RT, and MedDRA), vernacular medical terminologies, ontologies (e.g., Drug Ontology, Vaccine Ontology, and Ontology of Adverse Events), and their applications to research and clinical data. This thematic series provides a platform for discussing innovative solutions as well as the challenges in the development and application of biomedical ontologies to representing and analyzing drugs and vaccines, their administration, immune responses induced, adverse events, and similar topics.

The thematic series will cover two main areas: (i) ontology representation of drugs (including vaccines), and (ii) applications of the ontologies in real-world situations - administration, adverse events, etc. Examples of biomedical subject matter in the scope of this workshop: drug components (e.g., drug active ingredients, vaccine antigens, and adjuvants), administration details (e.g., dosage, administration route, and frequency), gene immune responses and pathways, drug-drug or drug-food interactions, and adverse events. Both research and clinical subjects will be covered. We will also focus on computational methods used to study these, for example, literature mining of vaccine/drug-gene interaction networks, a meta-analysis of host immune responses, and time event analysis of the pharmacological effects.

Submission Details:

Open for Submissions now.

Papers should be submitted directly to the Journal of Biomedical Semantics, following the prescribed author guidelines, and selecting the "Vaccine and Drug Ontologie" Thematic Series when prompted during submission.

Guest Editors:

  • Yongqun Oliver He (University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, USA)
  • Cui Tao (School of Biomedical Informatics, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston, USA)
  • Junguk Hur (Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences, USA)

If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to the guest editors for the collection.

Once published, all papers associated with this collection will be posted here

DaMaLOS Workshop (Submissions Open)

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Data-driven research follows a cycle involving data as well as other research/digital objects such as publications, tools (e.g. software and workflows) or knowledge transfer (e.g. training materials, tutorials, guidelines) together with metadata enrichment and FAIRification processes. To succesfully follow this cycle, we need research objects management plans supporting the findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) principles, i.e., rather than static documents, we need machine-actionable plans enriched with metadata as well as meaningful links other relevant research objects and their corresponding management plans (including FAIRification). Additional elements should be taken into account to also support Data Spaces/Ecosystems as well as Open Science. This collection welcomes contributions on data and research objects management plans, FAIRification supporting Open Science, and research supporting open and transparent digital research ecosystems.

Submission Details:

Submissions open on February 16, 2021.

Papers should be submitted directly to the Journal of Biomedical Semantics, following the prescribed author guidelines, and selecting the "Data and Research Objects Planing and Management for Linked Open Science" Thematic Series when prompted during submission.

The first 5 accepted manuscripts in 2022 will receive a 20% discount on the article processing charge of JBSM. All interested applicants will need to make a partial waiver request during submission noting that they are submitting to the DaMaLOS Thematic Series.

Guest Editors:

  • Dr. Leyla Jael G. Garcia-Castro (ZB MED Information Centre for Life Sciences)
  • Dr. Oya Deniz Beyan (RWTH Aachen University)

If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to the guest editors for the collection.

Once published, all papers associated with this collection will be posted here

International Conference on Biomedical and Biological Ontologies: Direct to Journal Track (Submissions Open)

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The International Conference on Biomedical and Biological Ontologies (ICBO) is a premier annual conference series that brings together researchers, students and professionals involved in the development and application of ontologies and knowledge graphs, and associated artificial intelligence technologies, in all areas of scientific research throughout the life and social sciences, including biology, medicine, diseases, human health, genome biology, human behaviour, environment, biomes, nutrition, food, plants, agriculture and others.

In an exciting partnership with the Journal of Biomedical Semantics (JBMS), we are introducing a direct to journal publication track for contributions to ICBO from 2021 onwards. Papers submitted to the International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies track at the Journal of Biomedical Semantics will be published immediately after acceptance and presented in the annual conference following acceptance. 

The new ICBO Thematic Series at the JBMS is soliciting submissions of novel (not previously published nor concurrently submitted) research papers in the areas of ontology design, development, evaluation and use, ontology interoperability, knowledge graphs, ontology-driven intelligent systems, ontologies for explainable AI, and the application of ontologies to biological and biomedical problems, across the full range of life sciences. In addition, we would like to invite contributions showcasing methods for ontology-based research, including statistical methods, tool support for ontologies and semantic technologies including for the annotation of data, visualisation, analysis, and related applications, and contributions addressing the challenges associated with working with multiple ontologies at the same time, including ontology alignment and matching. Submissions are welcome from a broad range of approaches to ontology building and use.

Submission Details:

Submissions open on December 15th, 2020.

Papers should be submitted directly to the Journal of Biomedical Semantics, following the prescribed author guidelines, and selecting the "International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO)" Thematic Series when prompted during submission. All accepted manuscripts will be presented orally at ICBO and at least one author of the manuscript must register at ICBO to present the work. 

The first 5 accepted manuscripts in 2022 will receive a 20% discount on the article processing charge of JBSM. All interested applicants will need to make a partial waiver request during submission noting that they are submitting to the ICBO Thematic Series.

Guest Editors (as of Jan 2023):

  • Amanda Damasceno de Souza (Universidade FUMEC, Brazil)
  • Stefan Schulz (Medical University of Graz, Austria)

Past Guest Editors:

  • Robert Hoehndorf, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia (Dec 2020 - Dec 2022)
  • Janna Hastings, University College London, UK (Jan - Dec 2022)
  • Oliver He, University of Michigan Medical School, USA (Jan - Dec 2022)

If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to the guest editors for the collection.

Once published, all papers associated with this collection will be posted here